Liberato il blogger in carcere da 226 giorni. Non se n’era parlato molto in Italia della vicenda di Josh Wolf, il freelance arrestato perché aveva rifiutato di consegnare i video girati a una manifestazione durante gli scontri con le forze dell’ordine. Oggi, finalmente, si legge che Deal With Prosecutor Gets Blogger Freed:
Under the deal with prosecutors, Wolf agreed to turn over the uncut video, which he also posted on his Web site Tuesday. But he refused to testify before the grand jury about the events at the protest or the identities of participants. “I will not under any circumstances testify before a grand jury,” Wolf said.
E dalla National Writer’s Union, che rappresenta giornalisti e autori indipendenti, si commenta che:
The abuses visited on Josh and other journalists are part of an effort by governments at all levels to control the volume, flow and content of the information that reaches the public.