Jasmina Tesanovic: nazione, nazionalità e nazionalismo nei Balcani

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Si intitola Three halves ed è l’intervento che Jasmina Tesanovic (qui il suo blog, in serbo) ha tenuto poco tempo fa alla LIFT Asia Conference. L’ha pubblicato Luigi Milani sul suo blog, False Percezioni, un lungo racconto (in inglese, questa volta) sul concetto di nazionalità, nazione e nazionalismo nella ex Jugoslavia e in particolare in Serbia. E scrive l’autrice e attivista belgradese:

The bigger entity of whatever nationality always battered the smaller entity of whatever identity. The majority would always bully and oppress the minority, no matter who the minority was. That smaller entity would batter the yet smaller entity within different identity inside it’s own territorial claims. Somebody was always in a minority, so somebody was always being victimized. Nobody ever felt whole and safe in the Balkans — there was always some leftover part, a third half, that was being painfully crushed. So war crimes were committed. The biggest crimes were committed by the biggest group, because the biggest groups had the best resources. If there had been more guns and money in the war, there would have been more crimes, but Yugoslavia was not rich and the war exhausted it and destroyed its wealth. Now the globalization of Balkanization is happening on vast scale.