Tra fumetti e fantascienza: i germi del cambiamento

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Seeds of ChangeSi inizia con una prima segnalazione: 10 Great Webcomics You Should Not Share With Your Kids. Parola di Patrick Orndorff per la rubrica Geekdad di Wired. E poi la seconda. Sembra da condividere eccome invece l’antologia di fantascienza in uscita in queste settimane e curata da John Joseph Adams. Si intitola Seeds of Change. Qui la presentazione in cui si legge:

Imagine the moment when the present ends, and the future begins – when the world we knew is no more and a brave new world is thrust upon us. Gathering stories by nine of today’s most incisive minds, “Seeds of Change” confronts the pivotal issues facing our society today: racism, global warming, peak oil, technological advancement, and political revolution.