Creativi e concreti in tempi di cultura digitale

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Creative Business in the Digital EraPer opera di Open Rights Group nasce Creative Business in the Digital Era. Basato al momento su un wiki, il progetto parte con questi scopi:

we’ll be putting together the course and teaching material for the Open Rights Group’s project on open-IP business models. We’re going to examine how people are experimenting with new ways to run businesses based on IP, whether that is the author who gives away his book under Creative Commons licences, or companies that share their intellectual property via an API, or musicians who let you choose how much you want to pay for their music.

Esperimento interessante, considerando la quantità (e qualità) di realtà che ormai si muovono in ambiti in cui libertà di cultura e interoperabilità sono il fondamento ideale e fattivo (alcune di queste realtà sono elencate nella pagina Communities del progetto). Per cui volesse partecipare, qui si trovano altre informazioni mentre il post omonimo presenta e spiega che:

This project is about the real world, not theory, and we want people to walk away from the course with a good understanding of what others are doing and feeling inspired to do something innovative themselves. Which means we also need to know about failures. Who has tried an open-IP business model and failed? What did they do? Why didn’t it work?