I loghi del terrore e un’antologia

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Glorifying TerrorismDavid Friedman, Terrorist organization logos:

I did some research and rounded up as many logos as I could find from terrorist groups past and present. While I hate to give terrorists any more attention, I still think it’s interesting to see the various approaches they took in their logos, and wonder what considerations went into designing them. Does the logo successfully convey the organization’s message? Is it confusingly similar to another group’s logo? Does it exhibit excessive drop shadows, gradients, or use of whatever font is the Arabic equivalent of Papyrus?

Glorifying Terrorism (via BoingBoing.net):

Welcome to Rackstraw Press, created in response to the Terrorism Act of 2006 – the controversial ban on the glorification of terrorism in the UK. This Act is opposed by people from many political parties as an attack on free speech. Government protests that it will only be used if someone directly incites terrorism have been regarded as implausible by lawyers who point to the many other laws which currently cover this action.

Science fiction is a political genre. There are many science fiction writers who have already written novels and stories which could be considered in contravention of the law. In February 2007 Rackstraw Press published Glorifying Terrorism, an anthology of sf short stories written in protest of the Terrorism Act.

“This is a bad book. The people who have written it are bad folk. The editor is a bad person. If you buy it, you are bad too. There is only good and bad in the world.” – Ian MacDonald

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