The year in hate: in aumento l’avversione verso gli stranieri

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The Year in HateSe Satana č il responsabile dell’immigrazione clandestina, come sostiene il repubblicano Don Larsen tanto da aver presentato una risoluzione che contrasti i diabolici progetti di invasione del suolo americano, non stupisce che il recentissimo rapporto The Year in Hate sottolinei un incremento nel 2006 della violenza a sfondo razzista negli Stati Uniti. Curato dal Southern Poverty Law Center, lo studio esordisce dicendo che:

Energized by the rancorous national debate on immigration and increasingly successful at penetrating mainstream political discourse, the number of hate groups in America continued to grow in 2006, rising 5% over the year before to 844 groups.

Nel 2000, erano 602 e i loro obiettivi sembrerebbero principalmente gli stranieri di origine latino-americana, “coinvolti”, secondo le loro teorie, in cospirazioni anti-statunitensi e le pressioni legislative volte a irrigidire la legge sull’immigrazione sarebbero percepite come una conferma. Inoltre:

Although the anti-immigration movement has endured several recent splits, it appears to be growing more radical overall, particularly since its supporters on the right wing of the Republican Party have grown increasingly isolated and weak as the GOP suffers from election losses and an unpopular war. That radicalization was reflected in a recent comment from Chris Simcox, a co-founder of the Minuteman Project who had been a relatively moderate voice in the nativist movement. “Be prepared and stock up on survival supplies, you may well need them,” Simcox warned movement colleagues in an E-mail early this year, as immigration legislation that could bring a guest worker program advanced. “I’m not advocating it, nor am I claiming I will participate, however, the fact remains, hundreds of thousands of Americans will consider this the final straw, violent civil disobedience will break out all over the country if this legislation gets passed.”

Da queste parti, invece, la situazione non appare troppo differente se, a fronte di un disegno di legge che riformi l’attuale Bossi-Fini, giā si parla di mobilitare le piazze.