Lessig, la riforma della politica e la candidatura al Congresso

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Draft LessigAlcuni mesi fa il fondatore di Creative Commons lo aveva in qualche modo annunciato e da pochissimo č nato Lessig 08 – Change Congress. Se sulla candidatura l’ultima parola arriverŕ il prossimo primo marzo, intanto ne parla Bernardo Parrella partendo da quanto scritto sul New York Times e su Wired e dice:

Lawrence Lessig, the Web legal scholar, said Wednesday that he was mulling a campaign for the House of Representatives, a move that could pit the Internet icon in a race against a Democratic loyalist. Mr. Lessig would run for the seat left vacant by the Feb. 11 death of Representative Tom Lantos, who represented the 12th District of California for nearly 14 terms. The district, south of San Francisco, runs straight through the heart of Silicon Valley, where Mr. Lessig is considered a celebrity, though one who wears glasses and uses phrases like “net neutrality”.