The Ghetto Pietà: ritratto da un altro continente

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The Ghetto PietàL’argomento è (in parte) differente, la città sorge in un altro continente, ma il post The Ghetto Pietà probabilmente risulta abbastanza evocativo per essere attinente con una giornata come quella di oggi. La storia inizia così:

I am walking in Mount Oliver, a hilltop borough surrounded by the city of Pittsburgh, when I turn down a side street and see the building in the photo above. Living in Detroit, I am accustomed to corner shrines of stuffed animals, empty malt liquor bottles, and flowers taped to lampposts. I have seen half of the graffiti RIP murals between the Bay Area and Belfast. But I have never seen any piece of street art that blew me away like this one painted on a few plywood boards replacing the window of a vacant storefront.