iConflict.com per raccontare la guerra e condividerne le storie

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Ufficialmente iConflict.com è un progetto che partirà da febbraio. Ma il relativo blog è attivo dallo scorso novembre per raccontare, condividere e discutere informazioni legate a conflitti e aree di crisi in giro per il pianeta. Queste le parole con cui il progetto al momento si presenta (e presenta il proprio futuro):

Now, people you network and connect with: first responders, relief workers, volunteers, citizens living amidst conflicts, can share their experiences with the world by uploading images and videos to iconflict.com, from their computers, cameras or cell phones. They can also blog about daily life from their vantage point, and become a part of the iConflict blogging network, called Blogflict. Users can upload news stories, comment on posted stories and use their voice to engage in an active dialogue on news events with our other online community members.

A myriad of other features will exist on the site. These include: originally produced video newscasts from our offices in New York and Washington, DC that will be syndicated on itunes and youtube, online discussion and commentary on user submitted news stories, interactive data mashups on countries in conflict, applications on external social networking sites, and other innovations that will make iConflict the premiere destination for users seeking information on international conflicts.

Elezioni, Kenia e media per adesso gli argomenti più dibattuti anche su un gruppo appositamente creato su Facebook.

One thought on “iConflict.com per raccontare la guerra e condividerne le storie

  1. I noticed in your blog you mentioned our site, iconflict.com. I wanted to thank you for the post. We are excited about our site launch which is now after a year of planning, about a month away. The initial response to our concept has been really positive and we hope it becomes an important tool for people around the world. Let me know if you have any questions about the site, or our blog that is currently running called Blogflict (blog.iconflict.com). I hope we can work together in the future.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Jason Haber – iConflict.com Co-Founder

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