Unsubscribe-me.org: aspettando i carcerieri

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Si chiama Unsubscribe-me.org la campagna – anzi, il movimento – del gruppo britannico di Amnesty International per combattete il terrorismo, ma per combattere anche chi usa la “guerra al terrore” come strumento di oppressione. Infatti:

For too long the ‘war on terror’ has been used to justify acts of torture, ‘rendition’, discrimination and unlawful detention. Amnesty acknowledges that the perpetrators of terrorism must be brought to justice but believes this should be achieved without eroding the very values we are fighting to defend.

Governments, including the UK’s, have manipulated public fears, exploiting them to excuse actions that under normal circumstances would never be thought of as acceptable.

Actions that include the rendition and detention of terror suspects without adequate legal representation or fair trial in prisons like Guantanamo Bay. Prisons where guards are ordered to use torture to break the will of detainees in order to obtain information.

The rule of international law and the protection offered by fundamental human rights mechanisms is being seriously violated. Governments assume you support such actions in the ‘war on terror’ but the truth is you’ve never been given a choice.

Until now.