The War Comes Home: i racconti dei reduci sotto Creative Commons

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The War Comes HomePresentare il volto umano di un conflitto bellico. È lo scopo con cui nasce The War Comes Home per opera del giornalista Aaron Glantz (autore del libro How America Lost Iraq) e del network radiofonico KPFA. Storie di militari che hanno prestato servizio in l’Iraq, ma anche allargamento della discussione a tematiche come i veterani del Vietnam o la guerra di Afghanistan, collaborazioni con il Center for Media and Democracy, testimonianze in merito al recupero e alla riabilitazione dopo i conflitti. Il tutto sottendendo che:

More than 1.6 million Americans have served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As of August 1, 2007, 67,000 of them had been killed or wounded. In addition, more than 250,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans had been treated at Veterans Administrations hospitals since their return home from combat.

Inoltre, si legge nel comunicato stampa Innovative Multimedia Project Brings the Iraq War Home:

“I was constantly being asked, tell me about freedom, about democracy, why am I being held here, I want answers,” recounts Abu Ghraib interrogator Casteel on “And the detainees were the ones wanting answers. But that was our job. We were supposed to be finding answers to our questions.”

Da sottolineare in chiusura che i file multimediali che contengono le testimonianze raccolte sono rilasciati con licenza Creative Commons.