Perkins e la storia segreta dell’impero americano

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The Secret History of the American EmpireJohn Perkins, autore del libro Confessioni di un sicario dell’economia, autobiografia di un analista finanziario che racconta come controllare paesi e aree strategiche attraverso il debito con l’estero e previsioni tendenzialmente falsate, ha da poco pubblicato The Secret History of the American Empire:

Perkins zeroes in on hot spots around the world, and drawing on interviews with other Hit Men, Jackals, reporters, government officials, and activists, examines the current geopolitical crisis. Instability is the norm—it’s clear that the world we’ve created is dangerous and no longer sustainable. How did we get here? Who’s responsible? What good have we done and at what cost? And what can we do to change things for the next generations? Addressing these questions and more, Perkins reveals the secret history behind the events that have defined our world, including:

  • The current Latin American Revolution and its lessons for democracy
  • How the “Defeats” in Vietnam and Iraq benefited big business
  • The role of Israel as Fortress America in the Middle East
  • Tragic repercussions of the IMF’s “Asian Economic Collapse”
  • US blunders in Tibet, Congo, Lebanon, and Venezuela
  • Jackal (CIA operatives) forays to assassinate democratic presidents

From the U.S. military in Iraq to infrastructure development in Indonesia, from Peace Corps volunteers in Africa to Jackals in the Indian Ocean, Perkins exposes a conspiracy of corruption that has fueled instability and anti-Americanism around the globe. Alarming yet hopeful, this book provides a compassionate plan to re-imagine our world.

La notizia della pubblicazione in lingua originale la dà Information Guerrilla e sarebbe interessante sapere se Minimum Fax, l’editore del precendente volume in italiano, o qualcun altro ha già acquisito i diritti per la traduzione.