Schneier: un soggetto (in)credibile per il Movie-Plot Threat Contest

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Dal blog di Bruce Schneier, Announcing: Second Annual Movie-Plot Threat Contest:

The first Movie-Plot Threat Contest asked you to invent a horrific and completely ridiculous, but plausible, terrorist plot […]. This year the contest is a little different. We all know that a good plot to blow up an airplane will cause the banning, or at least screening, of something innocuous. If you stop and think about it, it’s a stupid response. We screened for guns and bombs, so the terrorists used box cutters. We took away box cutters and small knives, so they hid explosives in their shoes. We started screening shoes, so they planned to use liquids. We now confiscate liquids (even though experts agree the plot was implausible)… and they’re going to do something else. We can’t win this game, so why are we playing?

Well, we are playing. And now you can, too. Your goal: invent a terrorist plot to hijack or blow up an airplane with a commonly carried item as a key component. The component should be so critical to the plot that the TSA will have no choice but to ban the item once the plot is uncovered. I want to see a plot horrific and ridiculous, but just plausible enough to take seriously.

Per farlo, c’è tempo fino al 30 aprile prossimo. Da notare che, nonostante il post sia stato pubblicato il primo aprile, Schneier puntualizza che non si tratta di uno scherzo, seppur l’iniziativa sia dettata da un umorismo tanto nero quanto assurdo perché:

terrorism is a real threat, but we’re not any safer through security measures that require us to correctly guess what the terrorists are going to do next.