Science Commons: aprire l’accesso alla ricerca

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diritto d'autoreAnother reason for opening access to research č il titolo di un articolo pubblicato a fine dicembre sul British Medical Journal. A scriverlo č John Wilbanks, direttore esecutivo di Science Commons, progetto di Creative Commons per la rimozione delle barriere tecniche e legali alla collaborazione e innovazione scientifica, e l’autore fa il punto sul movimento open access in diversi ambiti. Affermando tra l’altro che:

Evidence shows that open access has substantially increased the amount of scholarly works available to all, regardless of economic status or institutional affiliation.

Open access journals are entering the mainstream of scholarly publishing. The Directory of Open Access Journals, a listing of “free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals,” includes 2478 journals, with on average more than one journal a day added in 2006 (121 999 articles are tracked). Open access journals have earned top impact factors in fields such as biology and bioinformatics, as well as high immediacy factors.

[…] Self archiving by authors is also growing rapidly. Between March 2005 and October 2006, the number of institutional archives tracked at the Registry of Open Access Repositories has grown by nearly one every other day, and the number of records in those archives has grown by nearly 600%, to 1.2 million papers. Open access is here to stay, in one form or another.