Oaxaca, parole per immagini

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Peter KuperIl fumettista Peter Kuper vive nella città messicana di Oaxaca da alcuni mesi insieme alla famiglia. E dei recenti scontri ha raccontato con una serie di immagini riportata sul blog PW The Beat. Scrivendo anche che:

Sad to say it seems to be getting worse as of this morning but hard as always to verify without going downtown. For some reason Betty doesn’t want me to head to the zocalo–something about me getting shot or arrested and deported–go figure! Latest I’ve heard was that there are 3 different groups marching to the Zocalo and that there has been fighting in the street with the Federal police. We’re sitting tight in San Felipe,we dropped Emily at school like it was a normal day and are keeping an ear on the news/internet.