Lettere da Beirut

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È stata scelta una licenza Creative Commons (nello specifico, la Attribuzione – Non commerciale – Non opere derivate 2.5) per rilasciare per i document(i-ari) inseriti sul sito Beirut Letters a testimonianza del conflitto nel Vicino Oriente. Inoltre, nella nota di copyright a pie’ di pagina si legge che «we encourage people to rebroadcast and share this video under this license». Per quanto riguarda la descrizione del documento (disponibile in due formati, Ogg Vorbis e Quicktime), viene riportato sulla home page del sito quanto segue:

This video letter was made on July 21, 2006 at the studios of Beirut DC, a film and cinema collective which runs the yearly Ayam Beirut Al Cinema’iya Film Festival. This video letter was produced in collaboration with Samidoun, a grassroots gathering of various organizations and individuals who were involved in relief and media efforts from the first day of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. It was also broadcasted at the Biennial of Arab Cinema, organized by the Arab World Institute in Paris.