Fantascienza, ma anche racconti di generi differenti, brevi saggi e riflessioni. È Ten Car Train, blog nato lo scorso giugno e curato da un gruppo di scrittori sud californiano che ha deciso di adottare, per i propri contenuti, una licenza Creative Commons. E, dati i contenuti – almeno in parte – graffianti, si avverte:
The views and opinions of anyone on or around the Train should be ignored or regarded as Constitutionally protected satire from here and into perpetuity.
Per esempio, in Bigots, and the Ones Who Love Them di Erich Miller, si legge a proposito di candidature alla presidenza USA e matrimoni gay:
“What are you saying? Hillary? John? Barack? Bigots? How can that be?” I’ll tell you how it can be, but I must warn you first: you may be tired of this topic. You might think of it as yesterday’s news. You might think, “Good Lord. With a meaningless bender of a war limping feebly into eternity, with the utter nothingness of Paris Hilton getting more press coverage than, than…anything, with glaciers melting like they don’t want to stick around to see what’s next, you want to drag us back to that issue?” Yes. I do. Because every time Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama open their mouths on the issue of gay marriage, they manage to invoke the nauseating, sanctimonious spirit of bigotry.