Se suoni i Beatles ti mettono le manette

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Arrestato un “ladro” di canzoni via Luca De Biase il quale riporta:

Joi Ito segnala che hanno arrestato l’ennesimo “furfante” che osava suonare con l’armonica in un bar delle canzoni soggette al copyright… Sic…

Mainichi Daily News
Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar
A 73-year-old bar manager who illegally performed copyrighted tunes by the Beatles and other artists on the harmonica was arrested Thursday on suspicion of violating the Copyright Law, police said. Arrested was Masami Toyoda, of Tokyo’s Nerima-ku. He has reportedly admitted to the allegations against him. Investigators accuse Toyoda of illegally performing 33 songs such as the Beatles’ songs “Here, There and Everywhere” and “Yesterday,” whose copyrights are managed by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers. He allegedly performed the songs on the harmonica with a female pianist at the bar he operated between August and September this year.

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